Whole Systems Healing

My Story
I created whole systems healing to spread awareness about nutrition and healing in a world of confusion, contradictions and misinformation on the web and elsewhere.
My interest in health and nutrition began early in life around age 10 or so. I was a professional ballet dancer in my 20's, and later I worked for many years as a fashion and fitness model. Despite careful eating habits and caring for my physical health, I realized a little into my 30's that something wasn't quite right and that the mainstream health "authorities" had given me totally wrong information - especially where diet was concerned. My heart sunk as I began to see that I had wasted years of time, money and energy.
Over a decade of research into various health issues, I spent more time/money on various food supplements, natural remedies, and elimination diets for food allergies, migraine headaches and Candida overgrowth.
Due to having been a partial vegetarian for a few years, I studied Weston A Price methodology and the Gaps diet, I did the candida diet and dabbled in paleo ways of eating for a time. I had no way of knowing if all of this was actually helping at deep levels or causing harm. Eating and supplementing based on symptoms can be deceiving and confusing. Sometimes a person can feel better when they are in fact just stimulating the body and falling further away from good health - something of great value I learned from Dr. Lawrence Wilson.
I eventually found myself with Adrenal burnout and nutritionally depleted. I had hormone imbalances, memory and brain fog issues, hypoglycemia, heightened emotions, copper imbalance/toxicity and candida related issues, food and environmental allergies, Lead, Arsenic, Aluminum, Mercury and many other toxic metals stored in my body. Also, the migraine headaches were getting worse.
In 2012, I discovered Nutritional Balancing as a means to heal and began to study it in depth. What I discovered is that it is quite simply, a completely life-changing program, physically mentally and emotionally.
I began a Nutritional Balancing program in 2014. With the help of Dr Wilson, I have made great progress toward my health goals and a brighter future.
Beginning hair mineral chart:
My mineral chart several months later
Mineral ratios and levels can fluctuate on the program but as they balance out, symptoms have greatly improved. I am more grounded and mentally focused. Negative thought patterns have vanished. Glandular activity has strengthened, and the migraine headaches are gone. I am happier with more energy, and my mental function and outlook on life have improved greatly. I am more grounded and mentally present. Years later, and a large bulk of my lead, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, manganese, toxic forms of copper and other various metals and chemicals (such as mercury), have been released.

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Disclaimer. Development and nutritional balancing are methods to reduce stress on the body and help people reach their full human potential. All information on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition, mental or physical, real or imaginary.